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Do you struggle with anxiety?

Do the day to day stresses of daily life get a bit overwhelming?


Would you like to improve your athletic performance?






Breathing is the first thing we do when we enter the world and the last thing we do when we exit, maybe we should start paying a bit more attention to it.





Start Here

After watching the video above, start with simply paying attention to your breath, and generally breathing through your nose a bit more often and the mouth less. Once comfortable with that move onto the CO2 tolerance assessment, follow the instructions near the end of the video then choose one or both of the breath protocols below (one for the morning and one for the evening), choose the number that matches your CO2 tolerance score and perform them twice a day for 30 days (for 5-10min each time). As your tolerance score improves, move onto the next protocol.


Pause's generally works better in the morning as the breath holds help ramp you up and the 'Flow' usually works better to calm you down.


If you consider yourself anxious or highly stressed I recommend you start with the 'Flow' protocols and only move onto the 'Pause' variations when your tolerance score is consistently 40 sec and above.




Score 5 - 12 secs:

2-3 sec inhale

2-3 sec exhale

Score 13 - 30 secs:

3 sec inhale

6 sec hold

3 sec exhale

Score 31 - 40secs:

4 sec inhale

8 sec hold

4 sec exhale

Score 41 - 50 secs:

5 sec inhale

10 sec hold

5 sec exhale

Score 51 - 60 secs

6 sec inhale

12 sec hold

6 sec exhale

Score 61 - 67 secs:

7 sec inhale

14 sec hold

7 sec exhale

Score 68 - 72 secs:

8 sec inhale

16 sec hold

8 sec exhale

Score 73 - 78 secs:

9 sec inhale

18 sec hold

9 sec exhale

Score 79 - 84 secs:

10 sec inhale

20 sec hold

10 sec exhale

Score 85 - 90 secs:

11 sec inhale

22 sec hold

11 sec exhale

Score 91 - 96 secs:

10 sec inhale

20 sec exhale

Score 97 - 102 secs:

11 sec inhale

22 sec exhale


Score 5 - 12 secs:

2 - 3 sec inhale

2 - 3 sec exhale


Score 13 - 30 secs:

3 sec inhale

6 sec exhale

Score 31 - 40 secs:

4 sec inhale

8 sec exhale


Score 41 - 50 secs:

5 sec inhale

10 sec exhale

Score 51 - 60 secs:

6 sec inhale

12 sec exhale


Score 61 - 67 secs:

7 sec inhale

14 sec exhale

Score 68 - 72 secs:

8 sec inhale

16 sec exhale


Score 73 - 78 secs:

9 sec inhale

18 sec exhale


Score 79 - 84 secs:

10 sec inhale

20 sec exhale

Score 85 - 90 secs:

11 sec inhale

22 sec exhale


Score 91 - 96 secs:

12 sec inhale

24 sec hold

12 sec exhale

Score 97 - 102 secs:

13 sec inhale

26 sec hold

13 sec exhale

Want to learn more about harnessing the power of your breath

to help reduce anxiety, improve your performance and increase

your tolerance to stress?


I can bring a fun and engaging workshop to your staff or members or get in touch if you'd like 1:1 help to understand and improve your breathing for health or performance

Nick J

“The breathing techniques from Dan has helped me considerably in my recovery and recuperation from cancer and major surgery. It has been a significant factor in my rehabilitation and has been enlightening!"

Workshop Attendee

"Dan has an attitude to movement that I've never come across before. His information on breathing is something I will use for the rest of my life.

Very impressive and enjoyable


Workshop Attendee

“Dan was amazing! Showed that simple things can make such an impact. I feel so much more confident to take up exercise and build on it. Thankyou.”
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